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Delivery at Palakiss

Delivery at Palakiss is proud to announce the September 2024 edition, an event marking a milestone in our exhibition history as we celebrate 25 years of activity. This summer edition will be a special occasion to reflect on past successes and look to the future with renewed energy. See you from September 6th to 10th!

Delivery at Palakiss
Palakiss Business Center

See you in Oroarezzo! Drop us a message, it will be our pleasure to visit your booth at your time conveniace. Discover the next shows of Palakiss Delivery Hall!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Palakiss thanks all its visitors and exhibitors for taking part in SPRING! Palakiss Summer awaits you from September 6th to 10th.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

We are in Gdansk for the AMBERIF jewelry show! Viti our booth Visit us in Hall B at booth 416!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Join us in Madrid - visit our booth 6G05 and discover our next Palakiss Delivery Show!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Palakiss is ready to welcome you from next week! The greatest show of the year Palakiss Winter from 19th to 23rd January.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

We are waiting for you in Istanbul! Join us and discover the next International Jewellery Delivery Show!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Discover Palakiss at Madridjoya from 14th to 17th September. Visit our booth and we''ll give you all the information about our booths availability.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Palakiss had the pleasure to meet the companies at the Parque Joyero in Cordoba. The meeting was held at the Parque Joyero where we presented all the services and exhibition opportunities of our events.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Next week Palakiss will be at the Thailand Gems and Jewelry Fair! Visit our booth from Feb. 22nd to 26th in the lobby area of IMPACT EXHIBITION CENTER.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

After 5 days of amazing business, Palakiss would like to thank all visitors, exhibitors and all worldwide partners for the support and cooperation that made possible the success Palakiss Winter 2023!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Welcome to Palakiss Winter 2023! We are open and ready to welcome you till 6.30pm!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Palakiss wishes all its visitors, exhibitors, media partners and friends happy holidays! Palakiss awaits you in 2023 with WINTER from 20th to 24th January!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

We never stop! This week we will be in Istanbul for the Istanbul Jewelry show! Visit our booth H1 J12 - the booths availability for our Winter is thightening!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

THANK YOU FOR 5 AMAZING DAYS! We would like to thank all our exhibitors and visitors for joining and visiting Palakiss Summer 2022! Has been a pleasure to welcome everyone of you and we look forward to see you again at Palakiss Fall from 4th to 6th November.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Palakiss è quasi pronto ad accogliervi per la la manifestazione di primavera e vi aspetta dal 9 all''11 giugno! Registratevi per ottenere il vostro badge di accesso ed evitare inutili attese!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Save the date! Palakiss Spring is waiting for you from June 9th to 11th! Join us for 3 days of Jewelry business!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Visit us at the Amberif Jewelry show! Booth n. A2.54 - from March 22nd to 24th at Ergo Arena!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Excitment for the beginning of Palakiss Winter 2022. Our exhibitors are ready to welcome you from today until March 21st. Discover the latest collection and trends of the jewelry world.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

¡estamos en la feria de joyería Madridjoya! Si desea exponer en Palakiss, estaremos encantados de visitar su stand.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Palakiss vi aspetta il 21-22-23 gennaio per un'' apertura speciale in cui incontrare le aziende di Palakiss e scoprire le novità per il 2022. Tre giorni di ordini e vendita sul pronto nel rispetto delle normative anti covid con un folto numero di aziende manifatturiere.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Si è concluso domenica 7 Novembre Palakiss Fall, l''ultimo evento dell''anno organizzato da Palakiss in vista delle vendite delle festività invernali. Con gli eventi di Summer e Fall gli espositori di Palakiss hanno visto un incremento di vendite positivo grazie alla presenza di numerosi buyers italiani ed Europei un trend che riporta fiducia negli addetti al settore e che riconferma l''importanza delle manifestazioni orafe in presenza. Palakiss si prepara ora all''evento più importante del 2022 con l''evento WINTER che si terrà dal 21 al 26 Gennaio.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

From October 27th Palakiss will be at the Moscow jewelry fair. Important meetings with our local exhibitors and new future exhibitors who want to exhibit in Vicenza.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

This time Palakiss Fall will be bigger than ever! With double the number of exhibitors compared to previous editions! Join us from 5th to 7th November.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Dopo il successo della manifestazione Summer, Palakiss è già concentrato sulla prossima edizione Fall che si terrà dal 5 al 7 novembre. Gli espositori di Palakiss saranno pronti ad accoglierti in sicurezza nei loro stand! Registrati su

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

PALAKISS dal 10 al 14 settembre con la consolidata formula “DELIVERY”, una 5 giorni dedicata agli acquisti cash & carry di argento, oro, acciaio, pietre sintetiche e naturali, accessori e attrezzature per l’industria. Circa 70 espositori provenienti da Italia, Polonia, Turchia, Portogallo e Hong Kong volgeranno lo sguardo al compratore italiano ed europeo che in questo periodo ha visto una positiva ripartenza data dal periodo estivo ma ora con uno focus alle festività invernali. Con Palakiss SUMMER, si ritorna a fare mostra del proprio prodotto, una convinta ripartenza del settore orafo e’ ora più che mai necessaria per garantire e garantirsi nuovi flussi di business da più canali. Proprio per questo a completamento dell’offerta espositiva, per i visitatori che non potranno recarsi a Vicenza, Palakiss darà la possibilità di prenotare attraverso il proprio sito web, appuntamenti in via digitale da remoto, dando ad espositore e compratore un ulteriore possibilità d’ incontro con la formula PALAKISS PHISICAL & DIGITAL. L’evento si svolgerà nel rispetto delle normative anti covid-19 emanate dal governo.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

PALAKISS BUSINESS CENTER Un business center sempre aperto per vendere e comprare: questo ciò che Palakiss vuole trasmettere ai suoi clienti e compratori! La strategia di Palakiss è di dare continuità alle aziende e agli operatori di settore anche al di fuori dei periodi fieristici garantendo lo svolgimento degli incontri nel rispetto delle normative anti covid. La missione di Palakiss di hub del gioiello cash and carry è rivolta agli operatori di settore che desiderano fare business adeguandosi rapidamente alle tendenze del mercato, un punto d’incontro ottimale tra aziende e compratori. Le incertezze dell’ultimo anno devono essere uno stimolo per tornare ad affrontare il mercato più forti e consapevoli di prima. Palakiss business center: una certezza per le aziende che vogliono riprendersi il loro business!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

PALAKISS, LOOKING TO THE FUTURE: CASH AND CARRY SALES, ALSO ONLINE, ALL YEAR ROUND The attendance of buyers was in line with expectations, despite the current situation Vicenza, 15th September 2020 - The will to restart and to be there, were the elements that characterized this edition of Summer, the national jewelry show of Palakiss, a gold and silver delivery show, which ended on 14th September in Vicenza. With 51 exhibiting companies from Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Lombardy, Puglia, Veneto, Lazio, Sicily, Liguria, Turkey, Poland, Portugal, San Marino, and with buyers attending in line with the organizers'' expectations, despite the current situation. “The appointment with Summer was the occasion that officially sanctioned the desire to restart after months of lockdown; Palakiss reopened, guaranteeing operators a safe stay. - says the managing director of Palakiss, Andrea Marcon - In this edition there was a fair presence of Italian and foreign buyers, coming from Poland, Croatia, Hungary, Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, Austria and Switzerland, who made it possible to give our industry a concrete signal to restart». On the occasion of Summer, buyers who were unable to physically participate in the event were given the opportunity to virtually enter the booths through the "Palakiss Physical & Digital" format. Twelve participating companies have joined the project, developed by Palakiss with the Jewelry Virtual Fair digital platform ( in collaboration with Alo Solutions, with encouraging results for this first phase of teasing and which have resulted in online sales, in digital meetings with already active buyers, and in some cases in meetings and contacts with new customers. "Our goal for the next few months is to continue to offer our customers the" Palakiss Physical & Digital "format throughout the year, a digital service that brings the buyer inside the booth, a way that it will not replace the physical meeting, but which has all the potential to become an additional business tool, to conclude cash and carry sales». Marcon concludes.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Dicono di noi... Special Thanks to Preziosa Magazine

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Dicono di noi...Special thanks to Il Giornale di Vicenza.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Dicono di Noi... Special Thanks to Vicenza Jewellery Magazine

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

LE NUOVE DATE DI SUMMER, SALONE NAZIONALE DEL GIOIELLO DI PALAKISS, IN CALENDARIO DAL 10 AL 14 SETTEMBRE 2020 Andrea Marcon, amministratore delegato di Palakiss Spa:«Palakiss è pronto a ripartire e conferma l’edizione di settembre, 5 cinque di business per la vendita sul pronto dell’oro e dell’argento». Vicenza, 29 giugno 2020 – Palakiss annuncia nel segno della ripartenza le nuove date di Summer, il salone nazionale del gioiello di Vicenza. L’appuntamento per gli operatori del settore, aziende e buyer italiani ed esteri, sarà da giovedì 10 a lunedì 14 settembre 2020. «Palakiss non si ferma, è pronto a ripartire con Summer, il salone nazionale del gioiello. Riapriamo in sicurezza a Vicenza il nostro delivery show dell’oro e dell’argento, vogliamo dare ai nostri partner il supporto e la visibilità che serve al loro business per riprendere con fiducia - afferma Andrea Marcon, amministratore delegato di Palakiss Spa -. Il mondo del gioiello, in questo momento economico eccezionale, merita una particolare attenzione, in Italia e in Europa ci sono importanti produttori del settore orafo-argentiero: tornare a mostrare le proprie collezioni in un palcoscenico internazionale è un segno di positività e ottimismo. Dietro ad ogni gioiello, c’è una storia fatta di passione e manifattura artigianale assolutamente uniche, un gioiello racchiude un ricordo della vita di ognuno di noi, un gesto che va oltre il valore intrinseco; dobbiamo valorizzare questo mondo e supportarlo con gli strumenti a nostra disposizione». Le nuove date di Summer consentiranno alle aziende espositrici e ai buyer di fare business matching in un lasso di tempo maggiore con eventuale apertura serale prolungata, per permettere a tutti gli operatori di far ordini e acquisti in loco e da remoto. Una scelta per coinvolgere chi tra gli operatori non potrà partecipare o essere presente a Vicenza. Tutto si svolgerà nel rispetto delle normative regionali e in ottemperanza alle normative di social distancing. Nelle prossime settimane saranno comunicati, sempre nell’ottica di proporre alle aziende e ai buyer ulteriori occasioni di contatto e networking, e le novità di visibilità riguardanti Summer, la fiera di fine estate che anticipa le tendenze per gli acquisti di Natale.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

We are at Madridjoya! Visit our booth 6F15A, the next Palakiss Spring show is wating for you from May 9th to 11th!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Our media partner the Bangkok Gems and Jewelry fair will take place soon! Visit the thai event from Feb. 25th to 29th!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

An amazing first day here at Palakiss!!! Join us from today till Wednesday 22nd!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

We in are in Oman! Ready for the Muscat Jewellery show!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Visit our booth at the Istanbul Jewelry show now! Booth 8I60.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

We are going to be in Warsaw! Send us an email and we will visit your booth!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Show after show, this is the crazy month! Portojoia ended yesterday and as usual we were there! #palakissworldwide

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Palakiss is already working on the next show! Join us at Palakiss Fall from November 9th to 11th!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

We are in Thailand for the Bangkok gems and Jewelry fair! Visit our booth in Challanger 3!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Celebration are going on with all Palakiss friends in this Summer 2019 edition!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

During the Summer exhibition, Palakiss will be one of the sponsor of VIOFF. Lots of events during the show time will take place in Vicenza on 6-7-8 September.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

We had an amazing show in Moscow! Thanks to all our friends and partners for the support during the Junwex exhibition!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

We never stop! That''s why we are focusing on Palakiss Summer 2019! We are waiting for you!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

What are you waiting for? Pre register now, Palakiss Spring is coming! Join us from my 10th to 12th!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

We had an amazing Bangkok Gems and Jewelry Fair! We would like to thanks everyone for the support given during the show! See you again in September for the 64th BGJF!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Palakiss and our friends from Thailand! Asialife and Khun Suttipong from Gemopolis.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Visit our booth at the coming Istanbul Jewelry show.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Ready to visit the coming Inhorgenta Show! We will be at the show, Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

This week two shows on our agenda! First is Junwex St. Petersburg! From Feb. 6th to 9th!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

We had an amazing Winter show! But your agenda is already booked for the next Palakiss Spring show from May 10th to 12th!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Seminars are very important to make people understand the importance of buinsess development, market is changing very fast and Palakiss is here to support the exhibiting companies in making great their business!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Discover our D-SPACE! Jewelry designers are ready to welcome you with their creation! Visit our Diamond Hall at the first floor of Palakiss!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

We are waiting for you! Palakiss Winter starts today!!!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

In January 2019 our agenda is already very busy. We''ll be at Malaysia International Jewellery Fair, right at home for our Palakiss Winter and then at expojoya in Mexico!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

We are at the Istanbul Jewelry Show! Visit our booth 1P52 in hall 1!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Natale Oro™ si sta già preparando ad accogliervi! Palakiss Fall vi aspetta dal 10 al 12 Novembre.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

We never stop travelling! Today our Elena is at Portojoia for a 2 days show visit in order to promote Palakiss and its exhibitors!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Jewelry from Thailand with O&A at booth 150 of Palakiss Summer show! Discover an amazing silver cristal collection.

Palakiss Business Center

Matty Gioielli at booth 121 means gold and silver jewelry! Only at Palakiss Summer.

Palakiss Business Center

The Hong Kong show started today! We are here for the biggest show of Asia and is nice to meet our friend from Junwex Russia!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

We are at Madridjoya! Visit our booth in the main hall at the Ifema exhibition center!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Palakiss and Jetro (Japan External Trade Organization) met in Bangkok in order to find cooperation points.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Join us at the Bangkok Gems and Jewelry Fair from September 7th to 11th! Visit our booth in Challanger 3 / A5.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Join us at Madridjoya, our staff will be happy to give you all informations about our shows! From September 12th to 16th at IFEMA Madrid!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

We are in Moscow for the Russian Style show! it’s nice to see some of our exhibitors! Ku&Ku (Russia) and Hong Factory (Thailand).

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

#oroarezzo2018 #palakissvicenza is here! #palakisssummer #palakissworldwide #palakiss #jewelry #jewellery #jewelryshow #jewelryfair #silver #silverjewelry #goldjewelry #pirlanta jewellerydesign

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

#palakissspring2018 #palakiss #palakissvicenza #jewelry #jewelryfair #jewelryshow #jewelrygram #jewelrydesign #jewelryaddict #italianjewellery #silver #silverjewelry #goldjewelry #gold

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

#palakissspring2018 #palakiss #palakissvicenza #jewelry #jewelryfair #jewelryshow #jewelrygram…

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Palakiss is running also the @istanbuljewelryshow - Visit our booth and discover the world of #palakiss! #jewelryfair #jewelryshow #jewelrygram #jewellery #pirlanta #istanbuljewelryshow #silver #gold #istanbul #turkey #palakissvicenza #palakissworldwide

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Visit Palakiss booth at Jubinale Krakow from 6th to 8th June - booth B11!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

This week Palakiss its at the Istanbul Jewelry show! Visit our booth and discover our next exhibitions! Palakiss Delivery Hall is waiting for you!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

We are waiting for you! Tomorrow starts Palakiss Spring!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

From Feb. 21st to 25th, Palakiss will be at the Bangkok Gems and Jewelry fair. Visit our booth n. 49 XX LG and discover our DELIVERY HALL for the next September Jewellery show!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

After 5 amazing days of Jewellery business of Palakiss Winter, we are fully focused on Palakiss Spring! Join us from 11th to 13th April - Our exhibitors will be ready with their summer collections!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Palakiss Fall is waiting for you this week! About 30 Jewellery manufactureres will light up their showcases - You''ll be able to restock your warehouse perfectly on time for the season sales!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Next Stop PALAKISS FALL the jewellery workshop suitable to restock your shops and warehouses just before the holiday season!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Next stop for Palakiss is JUBINALE! Send us an email, it will be our pleasure to visit your booth and give you all information about our next shows.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Palakiss staff awaits you at the Istanbul Jewelry show from March 16th to 19th! Visit our booth 5E80 in Hall 5 and discover our next show!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Join us in Madrid and discover the next Palakiss Sprinf Jewelry Show!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Palakiss is now fully focused to the next show in the agenda! SAVE THE DATE!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Showcases of Palakiss Business Center are beautiful! We are waiting for you for the big opening tomorrow!!! It''s time to shine again!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Palakiss is now fully focused on the next exhibition! Join us for our biggest event of the year PALAKISS WINTER will take place from January 20th to 24th!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Palakiss will be at Goldexpo Warsaw. Visit our booth F21. Discover the next Palakiss Shows.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

After 3 days of PALAKISS SPRING all our attention is now focusing on PALAKISS SUMMER from 9th to 13th September where all our exhibitors will be ready to welcome you!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Dopo la manifestazione WINTER tenutasi a Marzo, torna Palakiss SPRING, subito dopo Oroarezzo organizzata da IEG, Spring permetterà ad espositori e compratori di ritrovarsi in occasione delle vendite della stagione estiva nel distretto orafo Vicentino, dando così supporto alle vendite delle aziende che operano nel settore. “Molti dei nostri espositori sono con noi da oltre 20 anni, sono cresciuti con noi e continuano a farlo, confermando che il format focalizzato alla vendita sul pronto funziona!” afferma Andrea Marcon CEO di Palakiss. I 3 giorni di giugno accenderanno le vetrine di Palakiss con oltre 40 aziende manifatturiere proponendo le loro collezioni in acciaio, argento, oro e pietre naturali. Tra le novità future da segnalare, c’è il nuovo padiglione dedicato alle pietre naturali e sfuse che sarà inaugurato durante la manifestazione di settembre (9-13) SUMMER; arricchendo così l’offerta dei prodotti a disposizione dei compratori. Palakiss SPRING vi aspetta dal 9 al’ 11 giugno in via dell’Oreficeria 31.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

From Friday 8th April Palakiss staff will be in Munich, visiting Inhorgenta! It will be our pleasure to give you all information about our next shows!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Palakiss its glad to welcome you at the Istanbul Jewelry show! Visit our booth 2J12 and dicover our next exhibitions.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Palakiss for the coming March fair expands the Vicenza fair ground district by becoming the new DELIVERY HALL with over 100 exhibitors from Italy and Europe, will present the latest collections of gold, silver, steel, semi-precious and natural stones with the cash and carry formula . A single badge for 10 pavilions! Register on

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Palakiss желает удачи вашему партнеру Junwex St. Petersburg в старте выставки!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Palakiss vi aspetta a marzo! A causa del perdurare della situazione pandemica, PALAKISS informa che la manifestazione in programma dal 21 al 26 gennaio sarà posticipata. PALAKISS WINTER si terrà dal 17 al 21 MARZO 2022. Vi invitiamo a monitorare il nostro sito per ulteriori informazioni. Palakiss augura a tutti un felice 2022. =========================================== See you in March! Due to the persistence of the pandemic situation, PALAKISS informs that the event scheduled from 21st to 26th January will be postponed. PALAKISS WINTER will be held from 17th to 21st MARCH 2022. We invite you to monitor our website for more information. Palakiss wishes everyone a happy 2022.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Palakiss Fall / Natale Oro prende il via domani! 3 giorni in cui gli espositori di Palakiss incontreranno i propri buyers in occasione delle vendite del periodo invernale e delle festività. Palakiss attende i visitatori dalle 9 alle 18 venerdi e sabato. Domenica 9-13.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

PALAKISS FALL will be bigger than ever with almost all of our exhibitors! It will be the right time to restock your shops. Register on our website. From 5th to 7th November!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Palakiss is visiting the Istanbul Jewelry show! We are breathing the Jewelry business again! Visit our booth 8I40.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Выставка-продажа PALAKISS с 10 по 14 сентября открывает свои двери с консолидированной формулой «DELIVERY». 5-дневное мероприятие, посвященное оптовым продажам и закупкам изделий cash & carry из серебра, золота, стали, синтетических и натуральных камней, аксессуаров и оборудования для ювелирной промышленности. Около 70 экспонентов из Италии, Польши, Турции, Португалии и Гонконга обратят свой взор на итальянского и европейского покупателя, который в этот период увидел положительный перезапуск, данный летним периодом, но теперь с акцентом на зимние праздники. С выставкой Palakiss SUMMER мы возвращаемся, чтобы продемонстрировать и предложить ювелирные изделия. Уверенный перезапуск ювелирного сектора теперь более чем когда-либо необходим, чтобы гарантировать новые бизнес-потоки из нескольких каналов. Именно по этой причине, в дополнение к физическому участию в выставке, для посетителей, которые не смогут поехать в Виченцу, Palakiss даст возможность договариваться и встречаться через свой веб-сайт удаленно в цифровом режиме, предоставляя экспоненту и покупателю дополнительную возможность дальнейшей встречи с формулой PALAKISS PHISICAL & DIGITAL. Мероприятие будет проходить в соответствии с правилами борьбы с covid-19, принятыми правительством.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

PALAKISS from 10th to 14th September with the consolidated "DELIVERY" formula, a 5-day event dedicated to cash & carry purchases of silver, gold, steel, synthetic and natural stones, accessories and equipment for industry. About 70 exhibitors from Italy, Poland, Turkey, Portugal and Hong Kong will turn their gaze to the Italian and European buyer who in this period has seen a positive restart given by the summer period but now with a focus on the winter holidays. With Palakiss SUMMER, you return to show your product, a convinced restart of the gold sector is now more necessary than ever to guarantee and secure new business flows from multiple channels. Precisely for this reason, to complete the exhibition offer, for visitors who will not be able to go to Vicenza, Palakiss will give the possibility to book digital appointments remotely through its website, giving exhibitor and buyer a further opportunity to meet. with the PALAKISS PHISICAL & DIGITAL formula. The event will take place in compliance with the covid-19regulations issued by the government.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

PALAKISS BUSINESS CENTER A business center always open to sell and buy: this is what Palakiss wants to convey to its customers and buyers! Palakiss''s strategy is to give continuity to companies and sector operators even outside the fair periods, guaranteeing the holding of meetings in compliance with anti-covid regulations. Palakiss'' mission as a hub of cash and carry jewelery is aimed at sector operators who wish to do business by quickly adapting to market trends, an optimal meeting point between companies and buyers. The uncertainties of the last year must be a stimulus to return to face the market stronger and more aware than before. Palakiss business center: a certainty for companies that want to take back their business!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

PALAKISS, GUARDANDO AL FUTURO: VENDITA, ANCHE ONLINE, TUTTO L''ANNO La presenza degli acquirenti è stata in linea con le aspettative, nonostante la situazione attuale Vicenza, 15 settembre 2020 - La voglia di ripartire e di esserci, sono stati gli elementi che hanno caratterizzato questa edizione di Summer, il salone nazionale della gioielleria di Palakiss, salone delle consegne di oro e argento, che si è conclusa il 14 settembre a Vicenza. Con 51 aziende espositrici provenienti da Emilia Romagna, Toscana, Lombardia, Puglia, Veneto, Lazio, Sicilia, Liguria, Turchia, Polonia, Portogallo, San Marino, e con buyer presenti in linea con le aspettative degli organizzatori, nonostante la situazione attuale. “L''appuntamento con Summer è stata l''occasione che ha sancito ufficialmente la volontà di ripartire dopo mesi di blocco; Palakiss ha riaperto, garantendo agli operatori un soggiorno sicuro. - afferma l''amministratore delegato di Palakiss, Andrea Marcon - In questa edizione c''è stata una discreta presenza di buyer italiani ed esteri, provenienti da Polonia, Croazia, Ungheria, Spagna, Portogallo, Francia, Germania, Austria e Svizzera, che hanno permesso di dare alla nostra industria un segnale concreto per ripartire ». In occasione dell''estate, i buyer che non hanno potuto partecipare fisicamente all''evento hanno avuto la possibilità di entrare virtualmente negli stand attraverso il format "Palakiss Physical & Digital". Dodici aziende partecipanti hanno aderito al progetto, sviluppato da Palakiss con la piattaforma digitale Jewelry Virtual Fair ( in collaborazione con Alo Solutions, con risultati incoraggianti per questa prima fase di teasing e che si sono tradotti in vendite online, in digitale incontri con acquirenti già attivi e, in alcuni casi, incontri e contatti con nuovi clienti. "Il nostro obiettivo per i prossimi mesi è di continuare ad offrire ai nostri clienti il ​​format" Palakiss Physical & Digital "durante tutto l''anno, un servizio digitale che porti l''acquirente all''interno dello stand, un modo che non sostituirà l''incontro fisico, ma che ha tutte le potenzialità per diventare un ulteriore strumento di business, per concludere cash and carry sales », conclude Marcon.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Dicono di noi...Special Thanks to Fashion Magazine

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Dicono di noi...Special thanks to ADNKronos

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

THE NEW DATES OF SUMMER, PALAKISS NATIONAL JEWELRY EXHIBITION, FROM 10th TO 14th SEPTEMBER 2020 Andrea Marcon, CEO of Palakiss Spa: "Palakiss is ready to restart and confirms the September edition, five of business for the sale of gold and silver cash and carry". Vicenza, 29 June 2020 - Palakiss announces the new dates of Summer, the national jewelry fair of Vicenza, in the sign of the restart. The appointment for the industry operators, Italian and foreign companies and buyers, will be from Thursday 10 to Monday 14 September 2020. «Palakiss does not stop, it''''s ready to start again with Summer, the national jewelry fair. We safely reopen our gold and silver delivery show in Vicenza, we want to give our partners the support and visibility that their business needs to resume with confidence - says Andrea Marcon, CEO of Palakiss Spa -. The world of jewelry, in this exceptional economic moment, deserves special attention, in Italy and Europe there are important manufacturers in the gold and silver field: returning to show their collections on an international stage is a sign of positivity and optimism. Behind each jewel, there is a story made of passion and absolutely unique craftsmanship, a jewel contains a memory of each of us life, a gesture that goes beyond intrinsic value; we must enhance this world and support it with the tools at our disposal ». The new Summer show dates will allow exhibiting companies and buyers to do business matching in a longer period of time with a possible extended evening opening, to allow all operators to place orders and purchases live or remotely. A choice to involve those who cannot participate or be present in Vicenza among the operators. Everything will take place in compliance with regional regulations and in compliance with social distancing regulations. In the next few weeks, with the aim of offering companies and buyers additional opportunities for contact and networking, and the new features of visibility regarding Summer, the show at the end-of-summer that anticipates trends for Christmas shopping, will be communicated.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

We would like to thanks the Bangkok Gems and Jewelry fair for the amazing support during their February event 2020!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Our best wishes to our Russian partner Junwex for the opening of the St. Petersburg show 2020! Starting today at the Expoforum.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Discover what''s going on at Palakiss Winter 2020!

Palakiss Business Center

Palakiss proud partner of VIOFF 2020!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Next stop Palakiss Winter! Join us for the most important jewelry event of the year!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

We are in Warasaw! Time to visit our Polish exhibitors and why not finding some new one!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

During Palakiss Summer 2019 we celebrate our 20th anniversary!

Palakiss Business Center

Palakiss from Portugall to Russia, we were also in Moscow for #junwex September 2019. Palakiss Winter will have many new exhibitors from Russia!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

We are in Hong Kong and is always a pleasure to see good friends from around the world!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

We would like to thanks everyone for joining Palakiss Summer 2019 and celebrate with us our 20th anniversary! See you again at Palakiss Fall!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

On September 6th Palakiss celebrated its 20th anniversary! An amazing night with our exhibitors and partners!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Find us at Jubinale we are spreading the news of Palakiss!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Join us for the most important show of the year in the US! Visit us at booth L1 at Jis Exchange from May 30th at Sends Expo.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

We are ready to welcome you! Join us for Palakiss SPRING!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Next stop Amberif! We will exhibit at the coming Amberif show. Visit our booth in Hall C. Discover ur shows and all services by Palakiss!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Junwex St. Petersburg 2019! A very interesting show! The big russian market is looking at Palakiss to expand their business!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Inhorgenta Munich 2019, we would like to thanks all exhibitors that welcome our staff for their interest in Palakiss!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Visit our booth at the Bangkok Gems and Jewelry fair! Challanger 3 booth A5.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Palakiss will visit the Hong Kong Jewelry show! Send us an email and we will visit your booth in order to give you all information about our next shows!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Visit our booth at Madridjoya from 7th to 10th February!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Discover our exhibitors with our Real Time Fair on Air! Here is Italsteel with their amazing steel jewelry collection!

Palakiss Business Center

Looking for jewelry with zirconia? Visit Ellargento at booth 129!

Palakiss Business Center

Silver or Gold our exhibitors has it all! Visit Matty at booth 121-123!

Palakiss Business Center

Palakiss is partner of VIOFF - Golden Wood, the event promoting the city of Vicenza and its beauty; dedicated to collecting funds for the Asiago Plateau where floods caused damage to the area’s woodland heritage. The event is organized by Vicenza City Council.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

The big show is on its way! Join us for Palakiss Winter from 18th to 23rd January!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Today we are visiting the Gold Expo in Warsaw! A 3 days show in the capital of Poland! It''''s nice to see our friend from Amberif Gdansk!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

From Palakiss Summer we move straight to Moscow! We would like to thanks our exhibition partner Moscow Juwex and all exhibitors that welcome us in their booths!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Silver silver silver a great rings collection by Ellargento at booth 128 only at Palakiss Summer

Palakiss Business Center

Palakiss is open for YOUR business! Discover our exhibitors, one of them is our famous Paola from Bieffe 2000! With an amazing silver collection available for your orders or cash and carry!

Palakiss Business Center

Da domani Sabato 22 settembre non perderti VIOFF, il Fuori Fiera di Vicenza. Concerti nel cuore della città, musei e negozi aperti durante la sera, mercatini con degustazioni, food truck e molto altro ti aspettano per la serata che coinvolge l’intera community del gioiello grazie all’ iniziativa promossa da Città di Vicenza in occasione di Vicenzaoro

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Palakiss media partners from Turkey and Brasil at the Hong Kong September Jewelry show 2018! Gold Book Magazine and Joya & Cia.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Gems and Jewelry Industry of Thailand and Palakiss, will work together to highlight the beauty of Thai designs.

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Bangkok Gems and Jewelry Fair! 5 days of great business with our Thai partners from DITP, TGJTA and TICC! Join us at booth A5 in Challanger 3 at Impact Exhibition Center!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

We are waiting for you from September 22nd to 26th for our Summer show! Pre register on our website!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Many shows on the way! Palakiss will be at the Istanbul Jewelry show from 11th to 14th October!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Secondo giorno per Palakiss Spring! Vi aspettiamo fino alle 18!

Palakiss Business Center

Palakiss vi aspetta da oggi a lunedì! 3 giorni di ordini e vendita sul pronto con tutti gli espositori di Palakiss! Palakiss is waiting for you from today till monday! 3 day of trade orders and cash and carry with all Palakiss exhibitors!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Palakiss Spring 2018!

Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center


Palakiss Business Center
Palakiss Business Center

Some of Palakiss exhibitors are waiting for you at the Amberif show! You can visit them untill saturday 24th!

Palakiss Business Center